What PepsiCo's Move From NYSE to Nasdaq Means for Investors

It's not such a rare event that a company switches its stock listing from one stock exchange to another, but when a company the size of PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP) decides to abandon its nearly 100 year listing for one on a rival exchange, it is something of a big deal.

While the exchanges poach each others' members all the time, Pepsi is the largest company ever to make a switch, with a market capitalization of nearly $170 billion. That just barely ekes out the value of Oracle (NYSE: ORCL) when it made the reverse switch from the Nasdaq to the NYSE in 2013.

The food and beverage giant says the reason behind it's jumping from the New York Stock Exchange to the Nasdaq exchange on Dec. 20 is that it will provide the company "with greater cost-effectiveness and access to Nasdaq's unique portfolio of tools and services to connect with our investors more efficiently."

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Source: Fool.com