What's the Best Way to Invest in Stocks Without Any Experience? Start With This Index Fund.

Too many new investors go from zero to 100 miles an hour. I know -- that's exactly what I did when I started out. There are all sorts of reasons why this happens, many of which go back to how human emotions work. Take it from someone who made a lot of early investment mistakes: A much better path is to start investing slowly with the goal of learning as you go.

With the advent of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which didn't exist when I started out, you can learn and invest with relative ease. There are many options you could start with, but a really good one is the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (NYSEMKT: VOO).

It's important to understand that everyone (everyone!) makes investing mistakes. Nobody's perfect, and nobody has all the answers. The problem is that very few investors, particularly successful ones, spend much time talking about their mistakes. It's far more enjoyable to discuss the winners.

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Source Fool.com