What's the Best Way to Invest in Stocks Without any Experience? Start With This Index Fund

Investing in the stock market has proven to be one of the best ways to generate long-term wealth. But where should first-time investors start? There are literally thousands of potential investments to choose from, not all of which are suitable for everyone.

The good news is that you don't need to be a financial expert to turn your savings into an impressive nest egg over time. In fact, there's one simple investment that will allow you to best 85% of professional money managers with essentially zero knowledge necessary.

What percentage of professional money managers do you think are able to beat the market over a five-year period? You might be surprised that it's only about 15%. That means roughly 85% of actively managed funds -- the term used for investment funds that try to beat the market by buying and selling various stocks -- are actually unable to beat the market over the long term.

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Source Fool.com