When Do Student Loan Payments Resume? 5 Surefire Ways to Prepare

After a three-year payment freeze, federal student loan interest will resume on Sept. 1. But payment season won't kick off until October, so you have a few months to plan. The actual date your first payment is due will depend on your loan servicer, but you'll get all the necessary details in advance. 

Roughly 43.5 million Americans are sitting on student loan debt. On average, student loan borrowers end up paying $337 every month to chip away at their debt, according to a Motley Fool study on student debt. Given these high monthly payments, it's not a surprise that 15% of Americans are behind on their student loan payments. 

If you're worried about student loan payments or are trying to figure out how to plan ahead, here are five items to check off your list. 

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Source Fool.com