Where Will Apple Stock Be in 3 Years?

As a business that sells some of the most in-demand products and services on the planet, it's not a surprise that (NASDAQ: AAPL) has also made for a wonderful investment. Its shares have soared tenfold in the past decade. And they are up 58% in the last three years, a gain that exceeds the Nasdaq Composite Index's rise by a significant margin.

But while investors can certainly get excited about past returns, what we care about is what the future might hold. In that light, where will this top FAANG stock be in three years' time? Let's see if more market-beating returns are on the horizon.

In fiscal 2023 (ended Sept. 30), 52% of Apple's $383 billion in total revenue came from a single product: the iPhone. That's probably not a shocker to many people. Since this smartphone, widely considered the most successful hardware product ever, was first released in 2007, its importance to the overall company's financial results can't be overstated. Even with the 15th generation of the iPhone just being launched, this single product is vital to Apple's success.

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Source Fool.com