Where Will Disney Be in 1 Year?

Over the past 20 years, Disney (NYSE: DIS) has generally grown annual profit and revenue -- until the coronavirus pandemic sent the entertainment giant into a tailspin. Disney parks temporarily closed, its ships stopped sailing, and the company reported an annual loss. Only its streaming services offered a bit of a bright spot. People were spending more time at home -- so they opted for at-home entertainment.

But better days are ahead. And investors and Disney fans may start seeing some of that magic soon. The U.S. has now vaccinated more than 21% of the adult population. And the government has bought enough doses for all Americans who want a vaccine. Even better, the goal is to make those vaccines available by the end of May. This is a key element to end the pandemic. And that means it's a key element to reviving Disney's biggest business: its parks. Considering this, let's take a look at where Disney may be in a year.

Image source: Disney.

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