Since its founding in 2005, Etsy (NASDAQ: ETSY) has achieved a great deal of success. The company now operates the fourth most popular online marketplace in the U.S., with over 516 million monthly visitors. Plus, Etsy's brand name has become synonymous with unique, handcrafted products.

In 2020, the pandemic turbocharged the transition to online shopping, and Etsy's stock price rocketed over 313% higher. Despite this growth, e-commerce still only accounted for about 14% of total retail sales in the U.S. in the first three quarters of 2020, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That leaves plenty of room for future growth. So, where will Etsy be in five years?

Etsy's marketplace connects creative sellers with buyers looking for highly differentiated products -- the kind of products they can't find anywhere else. According to management, the addressable market for these niche goods totaled $100 billion across Etsy's six core geographies in 2019. At that time, Etsy's gross merchandise sales (GMS) of $5 billion gave the company roughly 5% market share.

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