Where Will Mastercard Be in 10 Years?

Investors looking for potential new stocks to buy will often take a look at previous winners to see if they will continue to outperform in the future. After all, winning stocks have a tendency to remain winning stocks. That's why (NYSE: MA), whose shares have surged 505% in the last decade, might be catching your attention.

But where will this top financial stock be 10 years from now? Here's what you should be thinking about to potentially answer that question.

Mastercard's stock performed so well in the past largely because its business regularly posted strong fundamental results. Between 2013 and 2023, revenue rose at a compound annual rate of 11.7%. The gains were incredibly steady, with 2020 being the only down year. The pandemic deserves the blame for that particular drop, as it brought the economy to a screeching halt, pressuring spending behavior.

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Source Fool.com