Where Will QuantumScape Stock Be in 10 Years?

Will QuantumScape (NYSE: QS) stock take a quantum leap during the next decade? Anything's possible on Wall Street, but prospective investors should consider QuantumScape's financial issues along with the company's drive to change the electric vehicle (EV) battery landscape.

It's a noble goal, but questions linger about QuantumScape's ability to get there. Like a battery that needs to be recharged, QuantumScape may end up low on capital in the coming years. This could lead to capital-raising activity and, for QuantumScape's current shareholders, a great deal of consternation.

In December 2022, QuantumScape shipped its first 24-layer prototype battery cells to automotive companies for testing. This was a milestone moment for QuantumScape. At the time, it felt like the company was making real progress toward product commercialization.

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Source Fool.com