Who Says You Can't Beat the Market? These 5 Stocks Did

As a whole, investors have vastly underperformed the market. According to the most recent Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior survey, the average equity investor has only seen a 6.2% annualized return over the last 30 years. That vastly trails the S&P 500's 10.7% annualized return. 

The issue is more human nature than stock picking ability. We often let emotion get the best of us, buying when momentum is high and selling when stock prices are low. If investors take a more patient approach and hold on to stocks that have consistently beaten the market, they'd have a much better chance of outperforming. Here are five stocks that have outpaced the market by a wide margin over the last 10 years. All are in the same sector -- real estate investment trusts (REITs) -- which shows that even lower-risk investments like commercial real estate can beat the market.

Image source: Getty Images.

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