Why AI Stocks Could Be Your Key to Profits in 2023 and Beyond

If you've been hibernating in a cave, far away from where Wall Street crosses Silicon Valley, then it's time to wake up and smell the overheated circuitry: Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a sideshow in the tech world. Instead, it's emerging as the driving force behind a new digital era. Automated algorithms and mock-creative computers are reshaping the way people live, work, and play.

Investors who want to profit from this unstoppable sea change should keep an eye on a few powerful megatrends. So, let's explore why AI stocks could be your key to profits in 2023 and beyond.

Mind you, I can only scratch the surface of this massive opportunity -- future generations will write books and design college courses around this game-changing moment in history.

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Source Fool.com