Why Boeing Co. Plans to Build the 787 Dreamliner Faster Than Ever

For more than a year, Boeing (NYSE: BA) has been building its popular 787 Dreamliner model at a rate of 12 per month. That's the fastest production rate ever achieved for a widebody commercial aircraft.

However, Boeing has made no secret of its desire to boost production even further. Sure enough, the company revealed on Sept. 13 that it will increase 787 output to 14 per month in 2019. This surprised many analysts, who see this new production rate as being unsustainable.

Indeed, Boeing probably won't be able to sell enough Dreamliners to maintain a 14/month production rate for more than a few years. Nevertheless, this looks like a smart move as Boeing tries to keep free cash flow growing for the next few years while grabbing market share from its perennial rival, Airbus (NASDAQOTH: EADSY).

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Source: Fool.com