Why CRISPR Therapeutics Stock Charged Northward This Week

Gene therapy stocks have been a bright spot in the market this week. For instance, gene correction specialist CRISPR Therapeutics (NASDAQ: CRSP) has so far gained 19.6% through the first four days of trading this week, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence.

On Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held an advisory committee to discuss the safety profile of CRISPR and Vertex Pharmaceuticals' CRISPR/Cas9 gene-edited candidate, exa-cel, which is currently under review for two rare blood disorders: sickle cell disease (SCD) and beta thalassemia. The FDA expects to make a decision on the therapy's SCD indication by Dec. 8. The agency is then slated to make a call on exa-cel's beta thalassemia indication by March 30, 2024.

The FDA's panel of experts essentially agreed with the two companies' assessment that exa-cel's benefits outweigh its possible risks, potentially setting the stage for the first regulatory approval for a CRISPR/Cas9 gene-edited product in the U.S. later this year.

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Source Fool.com