Why Do Younger Workers Have So Much Financial Stress?

We all experience our share of financial anxiety to varying degrees. But according to a new Schwab study, younger workers are disproportionately affected by money-related stress.

An estimated 35% of millennials experience so much financial stress, in fact, that it impacts their work performance, whereas only 18% of Gen Xers and 11% of baby boomers say the same. And that's concerning -- first, because too much stress can mess with our health, but also, because poor job performance can lead to -- you guessed it -- even more stress. And that's a cycle in which nobody wants to get caught .

What's giving millennials so much agita? For one thing, student loans. Nearly a quarter of millennials blame high levels of student debt for their money-related anxiety. But given that the average borrower aged 20 to 30 is on the hook for a monthly payment of $351, that's not particularly shocking.

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Source: Fool.com