Why Don't The Bidens Get a Larger Social Security Benefit?

Since 1997, Joe and Jill Biden have earned a combined income of at least $210,797 annually. In recent years, their combined yearly income has been much higher, totaling in the millions.

Since Social Security benefits are based on average wages earned over the course of your career, you may expect the Bidens to receive a small fortune in retirement checks, especially as Jill is 69 and Joe is 77. But if you're expecting them to be raking in the cash from this entitlement program, you'll probably be surprised to find out that together they received just $49,545 in Social Security benefits in 2018 (the most recent year for which tax returns are available). 

Why did the Bidens get so little money from Social Security? There's one simple reason: Social Security is structured so it can't pay out sky-high benefits, no matter how much beneficiaries earn in their working lives. 

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Source Fool.com