Why Energy Stocks Are Soaring Today

Energy prices are rising today. Crude oil is moving higher, with both WTI, the U.S. benchmark, and Brent, the global benchmark, on the upswing. WTI rose nearly 2% by 10:45 a.m. EDT on Monday -- climbing back above $20 a barrel -- while Brent rose more than 1% to almost $27 a barrel. Natural gas was also moving upward, with the NYMEX price rallying more than 3% to nearly $2 per MMBtu.

Those higher prices fueled most energy stocks today. Natural gas stocks were among the biggest movers; producers Antero Resources (NYSE: AR), Gulfport Energy (NASDAQ: GPOR), and MLP Crestwood Equity Partners (NYSE: CEQP) rose more than 10%. Meanwhile, oil-focused producer Centennial Resource Development (NASDAQ: CDEV) also rallied sharply on today's rebound in the energy market.

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