Why Facebook Has a Health Team Working On COVID Issues (Including Vaccines)

With more than 2.6 billion daily users, it's no secret that Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) reaches a lot of people around the world across Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Even before the pandemic, there's been a surge in demand for health information online. Building on its COVID-19 information center, the tech stock recently announced a big push to provide authoritative information about coronavirus vaccines. This new campaign will connect users with localized vaccination information, remove more vaccine misinformation from its platforms, and donate $120 million in ad credits to health agencies around the world. 

Corinne Cardina, Fool.com's healthcare and cannabis bureau chief, got the chance to speak with Facebook's Head of Health KX Jin on Feb. 10 about Facebook's plan to increase trust and confidence in COVID-19 vaccines. Here's what he said about his job leading health efforts at the social media giant.


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