Why I Can't Stop Buying This Phenomenal High-Yield Dividend Stock

I've spent the past few years trying to build up my passive income streams. I want to eventually get to the point where I won't have to work for income. That would give me more peace of mind, knowing that I would be just fine if I lost my ability to work or had to take a pay cut.

I'm continually siphoning some of my income from working into investments that generate passive income. One passive income producer I can't get enough of these days is Realty Income (NYSE: O). The real estate investment trust (REIT) does a phenomenal job paying dividends.

Realty Income recently declared its 649th consecutive monthly dividend of $0.263 per share or $3.156 annualized. With the stock price currently around $57.50 a share, the REIT yields around 5.5%. That's several times higher than the S 500's 1.3% dividend yield.

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Source Fool.com