It's hard to imagine that only a few years ago Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) had barely shifted from competing with Blockbuster Video to producing original content. In fact, the first true, original series launched by the streaming leader, House of Cards, aired its first season in early 2013, less than five years ago.

The launch of that show began a huge drive by the company to become more than a distributor of other people's content. It also touched off a series of creative successes that produced an epic series of blockbuster originals including, but not limited to, Orange is the New Black, Stranger Things, Daredevil and its related series, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

That lists only touches on the highlights, and it does not show the full depth and breadth of the Netflix offering. While the company does have high expenses, with over $20 billion in long-term debt and obligations, it has a bright future thanks to its content library and the many ways that benefits its other efforts.

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