Why I'm Saving for Retirement in More Than 1 Account

Years ago, when I worked as a salaried employee, I began saving money for retirement in the 401(k) plan my company sponsored. But at this point, I have multiple retirement accounts -- a 401(k), an IRA, and a regular brokerage account. Here's why.

A big reason I have money set aside for retirement in multiple savings plans and accounts? I want options.

One benefit of having an IRA, for example, is that you're allowed to put your money into individual stocks -- something 401(k) plans generally don't allow you to do. On the other hand, IRAs have lower contribution limits than 401(k)s, so using both accounts could work to your benefit. By branching out into an IRA years ago and not just sticking to a 401(k) plan, I had more options for investing the way I wanted to.

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Source Fool.com