Why I'm Thinking About Selling Some of My Apple Stock

I tend to follow Warren Buffett's investing approach of holding stocks forever. I rarely sell, and if I do, it's a losing position that I don't believe will ever recover. I let my winners run so I don't miss out on future returns.

(NASDAQ: AAPL) is one of my biggest winners. I've held shares of the tech giant for over a decade. It has grown into my largest holding by a wide margin (it's nearly 50% bigger than my second-largest holding). My outsized exposure to Apple stock has made me consider trimming my position. Here's why I'm contemplating a partial sale and my potential exit strategy.

I have a very diversified investment portfolio. Because of that, even though Apple is my top holding by a wide margin, it's currently only about 3.5% of my total portfolio's value. However, the tech giant comprises about 30% of my Roth IRA's value, which is three times higher than my second-largest holding in that account.

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Source Fool.com