Why Intel Stock Inched Higher Today

New product announcements from companies are often greeted warmly by their investors. So it was with (NASDAQ: INTC) on Tuesday. News of a highly efficient new chip from the company stirred some excitement in the market, and Intel's stock closed the day more than 2% higher in price as a consequence.

On Monday after the market open, Intel said at a tech industry conference that its Sierra Forest chip will boast 240% better performance per watt than the data center chip it presently has on the market. According to Reuters, this is the first time the company has divulged such a statistic for one of its products.

This means that Sierra Forest will be able to handle far more processing work for the power it uses than current offerings. As we're in an environment where green solutions are becoming more important than ever, this news resonated with investors. Because of their nature, data centers use vast amounts of electricity to power their operations.

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Source Fool.com