Why Is Eli Lilly Investing Up to $494 Million to Study Squirrel Hibernation?

With cold temperatures limiting outdoor activity and scarcely any sunshine to soak up, it's natural to feel a bit sluggish during the depths of winter, and, speaking from experience, it's easy to pack on a few extra pounds during the season. In that regard, we're not too different from critters like squirrels, who bulk up, stash snacks, and spend a lot of time lazing around -- or hibernating -- to conserve their energy during the cold months.

Indeed, it turns out that hibernation is a physiological process with a lot of implications for humans seeking to maintain a healthy weight. It therefore makes sense that Eli Lilly (NYSE: LLY), the maker of the popular diabetes and weight-loss medication tirzepatide, is teaming up with privately held biotech Fauna Bio to see if there might be a new path to weight-loss treatments to be found in the genetics of hibernation in squirrels and other creatures.

Investors may be surprised to learn just how serious the big pharma company is about finding leads for new anti-obesity drugs in sleepy squirrels.

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Source Fool.com