Why Is Everyone Talking About Sorrento Therapeutics Stock?

Sorrento Therapeutics (NASDAQ: SRNE) first announced its plans to work on developing a COVID-19 therapy back in late January. That was hardly surprising news, given that many other biotech companies -- including some with much more name recognition than Sorrento -- also entered the race.

But Sorrento did grab the attention of investors and pundits alike in May, when it announced that it had a potential cure for COVID-19 on its hands.

This announcement sent the company's shares flying. The stock has cooled down since, but if Sorrento really does have a cure for COVID-19, that could be a game-changer. The company is currently working on other coronavirus-related programs, as well. Given its involvement in the fight against COVID-19, is it worth buying shares of Sorrento today?

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Source Fool.com