Why Kroger and Publix Are Rationing Hand Sanitizer

A week ago, it was a nuisance to shoppers and a boon for retailers. Now, it has turned into something of a public health crisis. Fear that the coronavirus outbreak will spread rapidly in the U.S. -- and people's understandable desires to reduce their own odds of getting infected -- has lead to panic runs on hand sanitizer, disinfectant sprays and wipes, and other goods. As a result, some retailers have decided they have no choice but to ration. Publix grocery stores in Georgia imposed limits on the number of such products shoppers could purchase this past weekend, mirroring a move made by Kroger (NYSE: KR) late last week when it limited the number of sanitizers and cold/flu products it would sell to customers online.

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It's not just hand sanitizers though. Supplies of other numerous consumer goods are also drying up, among them bottled water, toilet paper, and dried foods like pasta that have long shelf lives. It all reflects the general sense that people may soon need to hole up at home for a while and hide from the epidemic, in a way that will limit their ability to hit the supermarket.

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Source Fool.com