Why Mr. Money Mustache Could Have Retired Even Earlier Than 30

In 2011, a self-named blogger started a website: Mr. Money Mustache. It was started by a young man who claimed to have retired from his engineering job at the ripe age of 30 to start a new family. Back then, many scoffed at the idea -- a thing of pure lunacy!

Over the past decade, however, more and more people have joined the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement, spurred by this once-mysterious individual. On Feb. 23, Pete Adeney -- the real-life man behind the moniker -- joined the Motley Fool's Brian Stoffel and former Fool contributor and frequent guest Morgan Housel.

In it, he made a surprising admission: though he officially retired at age 30, he probably could have done it sooner -- without ever earning a million-dollar salary. Watch below to see why he thinks that's possible.

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Source Fool.com