Why Plug Power Stock Popped Today

Shares of hydrogen fuel cell star Plug Power (NASDAQ: PLUG) is notching its second straight day of gains on Wednesday, nearly doubling Tuesday's 2% gain as of 11 a.m. ET on Wednesday -- up 3.7%.

And you can thank The Wall Street Journal for that.  

In an article that came out over the holiday weekend, WSJ profiled Plug Power CEO Andy Marsh's 14-year effort to turn his company profitable. (In fact, S&P Global Market Intelligence data show that Plug hasn't earned a profit since it set up shop in 1997 -- 26 years ago -- but Marsh has only been CEO since 2008.) But while Marsh hasn't been able to reverse this 26-year trek toward increasing losses yet, the Journal had good news for investors in the fuel cell company:

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Source Fool.com