Why The Trade Desk Stock Rose 22.7% Last Month

Shares of The Trade Desk (NASDAQ: TTD) gained 22.7% in February 2022, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. The provider of tools and markets where other companies buy and sell digital advertising space went through the same magnified volatility as everybody else but came up roses on the other side for two good reasons.

February was a turbulent month for Wall Street in general. First, an unpredictable earnings season sent stock prices up or down on a daily basis as market leaders and industry titans reported strong or disappointing quarterly results. As usual, richly valued growth stocks like The Trade Desk posted wider price swings as these market turns passed by. Then, rising tension between Russia and Ukraine eventually resulted in military action, with sharp and sometimes surprising effects on the stock market. Again, The Trade Desk dove deeper and jumped higher than most stocks as this high-stakes situation developed.

But all of that was just background noise to the two events that really drove The Trade Desk's stock skyward in February.

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Source Fool.com