Why These Coronavirus Vaccine Stocks Crashed in September

Shares of coronavirus vaccine hopefuls CureVac (NASDAQ: CVAC)Altimmune (NASDAQ: ALT), and VBI Vaccines (NASDAQ: VBIV) each fell more than 15% in September, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. That was much worse than the S&P 500, which only lost 3.9% for the month. Shares of recent IPO CureVac were down 15.5% for the month. Altimmune's shares fell a slightly steeper 21.8%, and VBI's shares fared the worst, tumbling 32.9%. 

Image source: Getty Images.

The world of small biotech stocks is always volatile, but when those biotechs are working on a coronavirus vaccine, their shares tend to react not only to news about their own vaccine development efforts, but to every piece of news about other companies' coronavirus vaccine development efforts. 

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Source Fool.com