Why This Under-the-Radar Stock Is a Hidden Buy in Today's Stock Market

Although the COVID-19 pandemic will eventually pass, the rumble of fundamental change in real estate is unmistakable. The health crisis has meant working remotely, job loss, and awareness of infection vulnerability in densely-populated urban areas. These are all factors in deciding where to live. If you add in the scarcity of homes to buy and the resultant high prices, the equation changes even more.

Leasing activity for suburban single-family homes has increased in recent weeks for Invitation Homes (NYSE: INVH) and competitor American Homes 4 Rent, according to The Wall Street Journal. The Journal elaborated, "Rental executives say some recent move-ins chose to rent instead of buy given the economic uncertainty. Others have leased houses to get out of apartment buildings, given the contamination risks associated with close living."

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Source Fool.com