Why U.S. Steel, Cemex, and U.S. Concrete Stocks Popped 12% and More Today

Shares of boring old economy stocks like U.S. Steel (NYSE: X), Cemex (NYSE: CX), and even U.S. Concrete (NASDAQ: USCR) exploded into life on Tuesday, rising 12%, 15%, and even 23.5%, respectively, before finally retracing a bit. As of 2:45 p.m. EDT today, U.S. Steel stock was still enjoying a very tidy 10.2% profit, Mexican concrete producer Cemex wasn't far behind with a 7.4% gain, and U.S. Concrete, a small-cap stock that most days isn't even a blip on most investors' radar, remained up 21.2%.

Image source: Getty Images.

President Donald Trump is directly responsible for all these stocks' gains, with reports today that he is once again pushing Congress to enact a $1 trillion infrastructure bill.  

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Source Fool.com