Why You Should Use a Roth IRA as Early as You Can

Retirement should be a beautiful thing. After decades of hard work, it should be a time to embrace and do what you have been dreaming of. Whether you plan to travel the world, move to a beach in Florida, or take on a new hobby, the one common denominator is that you'll need money to do so.

Unfortunately, as time has progressed, so has the amount of money someone will likely need to save up for retirement. The best way to make sure you're financially comfortable in retirement is to attack it from multiple angles. Many people know how a 401(k) and Social Security work, but an underrated source of retirement income is a Roth IRA.

With a Roth IRA, you contribute after-tax money and can take tax-free withdrawals in retirement. If you're able to, you should use a Roth IRA as early as possible. Here's why.

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Source Fool.com