Why the Market Could Dip at the End of June... and Even More in July

The stock market has had a remarkable run after undergoing the fastest 30%-plus crash in history during the month of March. Since the March 23 low, the S&P 500 is now up a whopping 40%, bringing the market nearly all the way back to where it was when it started the year.

However, investors shouldn't be sanguine that the "all-clear" signal is in. After all, COVID-19 cases are on the rise again in the wake of nationwide protests and the reopening of many state economies. The recent spike even prompted New York to enforce a 14-day quarantine for travelers from nine southern and western states.

Yet aside from higher-priced stocks and a rise in COVID-19 cases, there are two big looming dates in the immediate future that could lead to even more market turbulence.

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Source Fool.com