Will 2018 Bring a Goldman Sachs Stock Split?

Some people love it, while others despise it. Yet Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) still commands a reputation as the quintessential Wall Street financial institution, and few financial stocks have matched its performance over the long run. 2017 hasn't been all that strong a year for Goldman, but things have started to pick up for the investment bank toward the end of the year, and its high share price makes it the second most-influential stock in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI).

Many investors have looked for a stock split from Goldman for years now. So far, they've been disappointed, and some believe that there's little reason for Goldman Sachs to consider a split right now. Others, though, see pressure building for the company to take action. Below, we'll take a closer look at Goldman Sachs to see whether 2018 might be the year that the Wall Street giant makes a move on the split front.

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Source: Fool.com