Will ConocoPhillips Raise Its Dividend in 2018?

The energy industry has been tough on oil and gas exploration and production companies for the past few years, but a recent rise in oil prices has finally started to help out big players like ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). Back in 2016, ConocoPhillips had to cut its dividend dramatically, leaving shareholders with just a third of what they had received in dividends before the move. Now, investors are seeing signs of renewed strength, but despite one encouraging move on the dividend front, the company hasn't been in a big hurry to restore its payout to anywhere close to what it paid previously. Let's take a closer look at ConocoPhillips to see whether it's likely to hike its payout in 2018, and if so, by how much.

Current Quarterly Dividend Per Share


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Source: Fool.com