Will HBO Max Do for AT&T Stock What Disney+ Did for Disney Stock?

When AT&T (NYSE: T) grows up, you can bet that it probably wants to be Disney (NYSE: DIS). Disney+ has made the market forget about the media giant's recent shortcomings, sending the House of Mouse to fresh all-time highs on content news for a platform that isn't expected to turn a profit until fiscal 2024.

AT&T would love to be on the receiving end of the same kind of selective bullishness that Disney is scoring from investors. It hopes that its new streaming service -- HBO Max, which was officially launched six months after Disney+ -- could be its own version of Disney+, injecting enthusiasm into the otherwise moribund stock. The odds are not in AT&T's favor to follow exactly in Disney's footsteps, but let's break it down to see what the two large-cap stocks have in common before blowing it all to smithereens. 

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