Will Health Insurers Start Competing With Teladoc?

Virtual healthcare is going to be faster and cheaper than brick-and-mortar alternatives. During the pandemic lockdown, virtual healthcare has been an absolute necessity. And so Teladoc Health (NYSE: TDOC) is seeing amazing growth right now: 150% revenue growth in the most recent quarter. This amazing market opportunity is bringing in new competitors like Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Walmart (NYSE: WMT). Even health insurers like Cigna (NYSE: CI) are starting to compete with Teladoc.

In this Fool Live clip, recorded on May 14, Corinne Cardina, the healthcare and cannabis bureau chief at Fool.com, and Motley Fool writer Taylor Carmichael talk about the competition for health insurance, and how it might affect the telehealth vertical. 

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