Will Microsoft's Xbox Finally Take Market Share from Sony's PlayStation in Japan?

New console launches from Sony (NYSE: SNE) and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) are just around the corner, and Japan is receiving unexpected focus as a sales battleground in the latest iteration of the console wars. Bloomberg published a report on Nov. 7 citing unidentified sources at Sony who said the company would be devoting less resources to the Japanese market following underwhelming performance for the PlayStation 4 console in the territory.  

Sony moved its gaming headquarters from Japan to California in 2016, and subsequent reports have generally supported the idea that the PlayStation business has adopted a more Western-centric approach. While Sony appears to be de-emphasizing Japan, Microsoft is gearing up for another attempt to build its Xbox brand in the country -- and it could make major announcements on that front in the near future. 

Image source: Microsoft.

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