Will a New Bipartisan Stimulus Proposal Finally Bring Americans Relief?

When the coronavirus crisis first hit, it was obvious that the public needed near-term financial relief. Thankfully, U.S. lawmakers worked quickly to get the CARES Act passed into law. It included, among other provisions, a round of direct stimulus checks to most Americans maxing out at $1,200 per eligible adult, boosted unemployment benefits, and provided aid for many struggling small businesses.

But as the pandemic has continued to rage across the country with sharp new surges hitting most states, and millions of businesses and households affected by the efforts to contain it, it's clear that Americans need additional financial relief. Lawmakers in Washington supposedly agree, which is why they've been working on various proposals for another stimulus bill for months. But so far, Democrats and Republicans have been unable to come anywhere close to an agreement on what those packages should contain, leaving families, businesses, and even state and local governments waiting for help.

It's therefore encouraging to learn that a bipartisan group of 50 House members has prepared a new coronavirus relief proposal that they hope will bridge the divide. But will it actually win enough support on Capitol Hill?

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Source Fool.com