Will the Stock Market Go Up Again in 2024? I'd Take That Bet.

As we enter December, it's common to hear directional stock market predictions for the new year. For example, an analyst might say the S 500 will be at 4,200 by the end of 2024, or the Dow Jones will crash to 32,000. While there can be some merit to these projections, and it's interesting to examine the assumptions that go into them, I prefer to make my investments based on a belief that's right quite often: The stock market will go up next year.

So how do I know it's going to happen? Well, I don't, but history is on my side.

First, let's look at some historical context for the S 500. 2023 has been an incredibly positive year with the market up around 20% including dividends. Some may consider this a red flag as they fear the market is more likely to decline following a strong year, but that's not the case.

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Source Fool.com