Women: 3 Facts That Complicate Your Retirement

On aging, pop star Rihanna said, "When I see myself as an old woman, I just think about being happy. And hopefully, I'll still be fly." Rihanna can worry about being fly while the rest of us focus on more practical matters -- like having the means for a decent retirement.

According to an Aegon report on retirement, only 21% of working women globally believe their savings are on track to generate the income they'll need in retirement. Aegon ranks retirement readiness with a proprietary scale ranging from zero to 10. Globally, women score 5.8 on that scale -- a number Aegon rates as low.

Women in the U.S. are slightly more prepared, with a score of 6.1. While these numbers have likely improved globally and domestically from Aegon's 2014 report, women clearly have more work to do.

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Source Fool.com