Workers Are Struggling to Negotiate Salary -- but That Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Negotiate Elsewhere

The amount of money you earn at your job can dictate how satisfied you are not only with the role, but in life in general. That's why it always pays to negotiate salary with your employer when you're not happy with your earnings level. After all, the worst that can happen is that your employer says no.

But unfortunately, most companies are saying no these days. In a recent poll, 67% of respondents weren't able to negotiate salary with their current employer.

Of course, there are different reasons an employer is unwilling to budge on the salary front, and one that's hard to argue with is financial constraints. But that doesn't mean all is lost. If you otherwise like your job, here are a few benefits you can ask for instead that could, in a less obvious way, put more money back in your pocket.

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