Worried About Retirement? 3 Moves That'll Help You Change Your Mindset

Retirement is a scary prospect. Think about it: It's basically several decades of unemployment, assuming you don't work in some capacity during that time, coupled with a host of potentially unknown expenses, like repairs on your aging home or medical costs that come in higher than anticipated.

If you have concerns heading into your senior years, you're not alone. But here are a few steps you can take to ease those worries and approach retirement with a lot more confidence.

Getting a handle on what retirement will cost you is a good way to give yourself peace of mind. As that milestone nears, take some time to think about where you want to live, whether you'll own a home or rent, and what you'll do with your newfound free time. Then, do some research to see what your lifestyle will cost you, and figure out how much monthly and annual income that translates to. From there, you'll be better equipped to assess your savings and adjust your plans if necessary.

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Source Fool.com