YTD Global M&A Exceeds Value Recorded During Whole of Last Year

“Following 4 consecutive trillion dollar quarters, deal-making continues at pace in the third quarter with the US driving activity, and with tech leading the sectors as companies continue to embrace digital transformation.  Less than 8 months into the year, we have already seen the value of global deal making smash 2020’s annual total and reach an all-time year-to-date high of US$3.6 trillion in an extraordinary rebound from the lows seen last spring in the early days of the pandemic,” says, Lucille Jones, Deals Intelligence Analyst, Refinitiv

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YTD Global M&A Hits $3.6 Trillion, Exceeding 2020’s Full Year Deal Making Total In Under 8 Months

US$3.6 trillion worth of M&A deals have been recorded so far during 2021, more than double (+117%) the value recorded during the same period last year and smashing the previous record of US$2.9 trillion, recorded in YTD 2007, by 22% In under 8 months the value of deals has already exceeded the full year total of US$3.59 trillion recorded last year Global M&A exceeded US$1 trillion during each of the last 4 consecutive quarters.  US$730 billion worth of transactions have been announced so far during Q3 2021 The number of deals announced so far this year is at an all-time record of more than 35k, 23% more than the 28k recorded during the same period in 2020 The US dominates, with deals involving a US target accounting for almost half (48%) of global M&A activity so far this year.  China and the United Kingdom follow accounting for 9% and 6%, respectively Technology is the leading sector for M&A investment globally, accounting for 22% of M&A activity.  M&A involving a tech target totals US$800 billion so far during 2021, more than triple the value recorded last year and an all-time YTD high.

Sources: Data - “Refinitiv Deals Intelligence” | Commentary - “Lucille Jones, Deals Intelligence Analyst, Refinitiv”

Updated on Aug 11, 2021, 5:00 pm

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