Yandex's Driverless Efforts Shift Into High Gear

Russian tech giant Yandex (NASDAQ: YNDX) recently announced that its driverless cars had been tested on a million miles of public roads, up from 500,000 miles in August and 100,000 miles in April. That figure still trails far behind Alphabet's (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) Waymo's ten million driverless miles, but it marks solid progress for Yandex's three-year-old project.

Last month, Yandex opened a new office in Tel Aviv and announced that it would double its number of autonomous vehicles to 100 by 2020. It's also testing its autonomous platform -- which includes an onboard PC, three lidars, five cameras, eight radars, and a GPS -- with big partners like Hyundai Motors. Let's see what the expansion of this business means for Yandex's future.

Image source: Getty Images.

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