You Can't Control Warren Buffett, but You Can Control How You Invest Like Him

If you have spent any time at all watching Wall Street, you've probably read an article (or 50) about Warren Buffett. He was famously trained by investing icons Benjamin Graham in the art of value investing and Philip Fisher in the art of growth investing.

He has combined the two styles into something akin to buying great companies at reasonable prices...and holding them. When Buffett makes a move, investors pay very close attention. But you can't control his decisions, only what you do about them.

Investors think Warren Buffett has almost superhuman investing powers, which probably isn't the case. I'm fairly confident, having read the down-to-earth annual reports from Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) for years, he wouldn't describe himself as super anything (though he might tell you that his partner, Charlie Munger, is something special).

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