You Don't Have to Pick a Winner In Solar Power. Here's Why.

There's little doubt that solar is the future of the energy business. It's cost-effective, flexible, and environmentally friendly, checking off all of the most important proverbial boxes. That's why the U.S. Energy Information Administration predicts solar power's growth will outpace any other energy source's growth through 2050, at which time solar and wind power are projected to jointly be the nation's top sources of electricity. That's a huge opportunity.

The challenge for investors is plugging into that opportunity. There are plenty of compelling solar stocks to choose from right now. However, the industry is so young and still so fluid that it's not clear if those same companies will be as compelling -- or even be around -- in the distant future.

There's a simple solution. That is, don't even bother trying to pick one or two of these names. Buy a slice of the entire industry instead and let someone else swap out these stocks as is merited. The Invesco Solar ETF (NYSEMKT: TAN) lets you do that.

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