You Know It's Bad When Even LeBron James Won't Pay For Pandora

Pandora (NYSE: P) has been struggling to get its freeloaders to pay up for its premium offerings, the one thing outside of its stagnant user base that's been weighing on the stock. It's a pretty big problem when even rich celebrities aren't willing to put up with ads before throwing a few bucks Pandora's way.

LeBron James raised more than a few eyebrows in an ESPN piece that aired during Monday Night Football. In a Rachel Nichols interview with James and longtime friend Dwyane Wade, the two reunited teammates went off on how cheap James can be despite the NBA superstar's life-altering wealth.

James confesses that he's so frugal he won't use his smartphone if there isn't free Wi-Fi to be had. He's also not paying for apps.

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