You Shouldn't Make a Big Deal About the Nasdaq Composite's Latest Bull Run

To put it lightly, 2022 hasn't been kind to many stocks, including the three major indexes. The Dow Jones, which consists of 30 of the most notable household names, is down over 6% YTD. The S&P 500, which many use to gauge how well the stock market as a whole is doing, is down over 10% YTD. And the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite has taken the worst beating them of all, down over 17% YTD. (All three as of August 16.)

Even sitting at 17% below January highs, that somehow still doesn't give the full picture of how just how interesting of a year it's been for the Nasdaq Composite. At one point the index had shed almost one-third of its value, but since hitting its low point in mid-June it has rallied, increasing over 22% from June 16 to August 16.

However, even with the Nasdaq Composite's most recent bull run, investors should be careful giving it too much attention.

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