You'll Never Guess How Much $1,000 Invested in Bitcoin in March 2010 Would Be Worth Today

Traditionally, the stock market is the best creator of wealth over the long run. It's returned about 7% annually over more than 100 years' time, inclusive of dividend reinvestment and adjusted for inflation, suggesting that invested money tends to double, on average, about once a decade. That's a pretty healthy return that sets long-term-oriented investors up to double their money many times over.

And then there are cryptocurrencies, which have packed a lifetime's worth of gains into just an 11-month timeframe. Since the year began, the aggregate market cap of the more than 1,300 cryptocurrencies combined has vaulted from $17.7 billion to $388 billion as of late in the evening on Dec. 6. For your math-phobic people out there, that's a nearly 2,100% gain in 11 months and less than a week!

Image source: Getty Images.

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